Anthony and I took Vincent to Grandma and Grandpa Bonadio's home on December 11th. I really wanted to get some pictures of Vincent and I and Enzo (in my belly) before the big day (I am usually behind the camera). Vincent did not like this idea but I think we got a few good shots... Anthony and I left for the hospital a little after 6am on Friday December 12th. My doctor told me I could eat breakfast so we stopped at Hardees for a big breakfast, my last meal as a pregnant woman! On the way to the hospital we were discussing names once more. We were going to name him Nicolas. This was the only name we could agree on, even though I spent hours searching name books (Anthony only spent a few minutes searching). Anthony suggested Enzo for his middle name, but the more I thought about it I really liked it so much better than Nicolas. I told Anthony that maybe we would use Enzo for his first name. He then suggested Constantine for his middle name (I said no to this name with Nicolas). I had to let go of my pride because clearly Anthony had picked the cooler name and when I saw our baby boy for the first time he didn't look like a Nicolas.
Once we got to the hospital I got all hooked up to every wire they could attach to me, oh and of course the IV for the pitocin (used to induce labor). After a few hours I got to see one of my favorite people in the hospital...the anesthesiologist! Thank goodness I had an epidural because I was in labor for almost 12 hours. I spent a lot of time resting and listening to music just waiting for little Enzo to come. He finally arrived at 6:16pm! Even though I had a long labor the delivery was quite easy after 2-3 pushes Enzo was out! He weighed 8lbs 5oz and was 21 in long.